--> rFactor Guia interactiva de reglajes

Guia Interactiva de Reglajes para rFactor

rFactor juego juegos simuladores simulador volante volantes logitech F1 Formula1 Paso Por Curva
rFactor Guia interactiva de reglajes


Lista completa de comandos de chat

· /vote yes // same as pressing button
· /vote no // same as pressing button
· /ping // same as pressing button
· /w <sendee> <chat> // whisper to given player - <sendee> can be just the first few letters of player's name if they are unique

· /whisper <sendee> <chat> // same functionality as "/w"
· /callvote nextsession // proceeds to next session (practice to qual, for example)
· /callvote nextrace // proceeds to next event in dedicated server track list
· /callvote event <name> // proceeds to given event (such as "24 Hours of Toban" or "Mills Special Event")
· /callvote restartrace // restarts the race
· /callvote restartwarmup // client request to go to the beginning of warmup
· /restartwarmup // admin/server command to go to the beginning of warmup
· /callvote restartweekend // goes back to practice
· /callvote addai // adds 1 AI
· /callvote add5ai // adds 5 AI
· /callvote kick <name> // kick specified player out of race
· /callvote ban <name> // bans specified player from server
· /admin <password> // take over administrator or super-admin (wrong or no password = stop being administrator)
· /apwd <password> // super-admin/server command to change the regular admin password - this will eliminate all current regular admins

· /editgrid <pos> <name> // admin command to move the specified player to the given position on the grid - note that you should do the grid from first to last or you may fail to achieve the expected results

· /setmass <mass> <name> // admin/server command to apply a penalty mass (0-255 kg) to the specified player with immediate effect, lasting for the rest of the weekend.

· /batch <file> // admin/server command to run given batch file of these chat commands (see full description elsewhere)
· /changelaps <laps> <name> // admin/server command to adjust the number of completed laps (-10 to +10) to the specified player for the purpose of allowing live stewards' input into the game's scoring system.

· /addpenalty <code> <name> // admin/server command adds a penalty to the given player. The following are valid values for <code>: -2=longest line, -1=drive-thru, 0-60=stop/go penalty number of seconds.

· /subpenalty <code> <name> // admin/server command removes a penalty from the given player. The following are valid values for <code>: 0=remove one stop/go penalty, 1=remove one drive-thru penalty, 2=remove one longest line penalty, 3=remove all penalties.

· /throwyellow [<laps>] // admin/server command starts a full-course caution for the given number of laps (must be at least 2). If laps is not given, normal randomized value will apply.

· /clearyellow // admin/server command nds a full-course caution as soon as possible, regardless of the planned number of laps.
· /racelength <code> <value1> [<value2] // admin/server command changes the race length for the next race: <code>=0 sets a <value1> % length race, <code>=1 sets a <value1>-lap race, <code>=2 sets a <value1>-minute (timed) race, <code>=3 sets a <value1>-lap and <value2>-minute race.

· /unthrottle <name> // admin/server command to stop throttling network data to the given client - use with great caution

· /shutdownserver // admin command tells a dedicated server to exit immediately.
· /set upload <kbps> // change upload speed (works on own machine only, administrator can't change server's upload at this time)

· /set download <kbps> // change download speed (same as above)
· /set nagle <0 or 1> // can only be done on server - specifies whether questionable Nagle TCP algorithm is used
· /set warp <0.1 - 3.0> // in future, will affect voicechat. The warp connotation comes from the period of time to take in between sending each voice packet. 1.0 is the default.